Our Work

Only selected peer-reviewed articles and articles that are currently under review/work in progress are listed below. Click HERE to see the full list of published peer-reviewed articles.

Note: Current and previous In Situ Group members and trainees are in bold.

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Thought Leadership

  1. (forthcoming) Lee E-Y*, Dogra S, Manson G, Manyanga T, McGuire-Adams T, Yi K-J. Call to action on Indigenization and EDIA (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility): Recommendations for institutions, Tri-agency, and academic societies (Funded by CIHR).

  2. Lee E-Y*, Tremblay MS. Unmasking the political power of physical activity research: Harnessing the “apolitical-ness” as a catalyst for addressing the challenges of our time. J Phys Act Health. 2023;20(10):897-9.

  3. Lee E-Y*, Airton L, Lim H, Jung E. An urgent need for quantitative intersectionality in physical activity and health research. J Phys Act Health. 2023;20(2):97-9. (Funded by SSHRC).

  4. Ding D, Carson V, Hunter RF, et al. Science has no borders, so should scientific publishing: A position statement from the Journal of Physical Activity and Health. J Phys Act Health. 2022;19(12):809-10.

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Climate Change and Health

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Systems of Oppression and Health

  1. Lee E-Y*, Khan A, Vanderloo LM, et al. Are experiences of discrimination associated with perspectives on the social climate of physical (in)activity in Canada. J Phys Act Health. (Special issue: Physical Activity as a Necessary Solution to Current Global Health Challenges). Under review.

  2. Lee E-Y*, Airton L, Jung E, et al. Development and Validation of the SAFE (Socially Ascribed intersectional identities for Equity) Questionnaire. 2024;245;1-4235. (Funded by SSHRC).

  3. Lim H, Jung E, Jodoin K, Du X, Airton L, Lee E-Y*. Operationalization of intersectionality in physical activity and sport research: A systematic scoping review. SSM-Population Health. 2021. (Funded by SSHRC).

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Active Outdoor Play


Politics and Health

  1. Lee E-Y*, S Park, Vanderloo LM, et al. The political landscape of physical (in)activity and climate change in Canada’s social climate. J Public Health Policy. Under review.

  2. Lee M, Lim H, Xavier MS, Lee E-Y*. “A Divine Infection”: A Systematic Review on the Roles of Religious Communities During the Early Stage of COVID-19. J Relig Health. 2021;61(1):866–919.


Constitutional Determinants of Health
