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Queen’s University is situated on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory.

To acknowledge this traditional territory is to recognize its longer history, one predating the establishment of the earliest European colonies. It is also to acknowledge this territory’s significance for the Indigenous peoples who lived, and continue to live, upon it and whose practices and spiritualties were tied to the land and continue to develop in relationship to the territory and its other inhabitants today. The Kingston Indigenous community continues to reflect the area’s Anishinaabek and Haudenosaunee roots. There is also a significant Métis community and there are First people from other Nations across Turtle Island present here today.

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Contact Information

In Situ Population Health Research Lab (In Situ Lab)

School of Kinesiology & Health Studies,

Queen’s University

KHS 501A, 28 Division St, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6
