In Situ Lab is dedicated to addressing social and environmental injustices that impact human behaviour and health by bridging social theories and quantitative epidemiological methods

Our Research


Climate Change and Health

Children and youth today face dual threats, climate change and deteriorating mental health, combined with existing economic challenges, political polarization, and racialized violence. Through global engagement and multi-sectoral collaboration, we explore viable actions toward implementing sustainable solutions.

Funded by SSHRC and Queen’s QROF Fund


Active Outdoor Play

All children should have the equal opportunity to be physically active in outdoor, natural environments. We are working closely with international experts and the PLaTO-Net (Play, Learn and Teach Outdoors global Network) to ensure that our children are afforded with outdoor play opportunities.

2023-2025 Project: Update of the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play.

Learn more about this project HERE.

Funded by SSHRC


Politics and Health

While biomedical science plays a crucial role in public health, its dominance in the discourse may overshadow the importance of addressing broader social, economic, and environmental factors that shape population health outcomes. A more comprehensive and inclusive approach, considering social determinants and health equity, is necessary to address the complex and multi-faceted nature of public health challenges.

Funded by CIHR and Queen’s University

Systems of Oppression and Health


Promoting equitable access to health resources for all individuals, regardless of their identities, is crucial. Grounded in the intersectionality framework, our goal is to create a survey tool that quantifies the complex interplay of multiple social identities within the context of large-scale, population-based studies.

Funded by SSHRC, CIHR, and Queen’s University


Global Physical Activity Research

Inspired by the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (AHKGA), an organization committed to powering the global movement to get kids moving, we are dedicated to playing a leadership role in advancing children’s physical activity around the world through internationally collaborative research and advocacy work.

2023-24 Project: Improving EDIIA in Physical Activity and Health Research

Funded by CIHR and Queen’s University


Constitutional Determinants of Health

Constitution, a legal document that contains basic rules and principles about how political power should be practiced and how public goods and resources should to be provided, is a foundational determinant of health. We aim to examine how constitutions relevant to climate change (e.g., decarbonization), women’s rights (e.g., abortion law), and income inequality (e.g., economic model) influence population health.