S1.Ep.11: Quasi-experiment with Stephen Hunter


Stephen Hunter is a PhD candidate in the Behavioural Epidemiology Lab at the University of Alberta and a Sessional Instructor at the University of Victoria. Hunter completed his BA in Physical Education from Vancouver Island University, British Columbia in 2012. After graduation, he remained involved with research as a member of the Behavioural Medicine Lab and volunteered with obesity prevention programs for children and adolescents. Stephen came to the University of Alberta in 2014 to pursue his MSc in Kinesiology under the supervision of Dr. Valerie Carson where his thesis focussed on how school policies, recreational programming, public health resources, and physical environments influence adolescent physical activity over time. Now pursuing doctoral studies under the supervision of Dr. Valerie Carson, his research interests include the correlates and determinants of physical activity and sedentary behaviour that are embedded within distal levels of the ecological model; and how these behaviours impact the health of children 0-18 years.

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S1.Ep.12: RCT with Dr. Dong-Woo Kang


S1.Ep.10: Cohort Study Design with Dr. Leigh Vanderloo